About Dr. Robert Ullman

Dr. Robert UllmanDr. Robert Ullman


Please note – I am now semi-retired and no longer taking new patients. If you would like to start treatment, please get in touch with Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman

I am a licensed, board-certified naturopathic physician specializing in homeopathy. I received my N.D. degree from National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1981. I graduated from Ursinus College in Pennsylvania with a degree in Biology in 1973, and from Kansas Newman College with a degree in Human Biology in 1979, as part of my naturopathic training.

I am the author of seven books on homeopathy with my wife, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, N.D. on homeopathy including the best-selling Ritalin-Free Kids; The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, and Other Mental And Emotional Problems (previously Prozac-Free); A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome and Autism; Rage-Free Kids; Homeopathic Self-Care: The Quick and Easy Guide for the Whole Family; The Savvy Traveler’s Guide to Homeopathy and Natural Medicine; and The Patient’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine. Our book on spirituality: Mystics, Masters, Saints and Sages: Stories of Enlightenment, has a foreword by the Dalai Lama. We have also published many articles on homeopathy, including our monthly column of the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients since the early nineties.

I most enjoy providing healing through classical homeopathy. I have done extensive work with children and adults with learning, behavioral, and psychiatric problems, as you can see in our book titles above. I have taught homeopathy internationally, including the UK, Scotland, Australia, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, and have treated patients from around the world.

I live with my wife and our two loveable golden retrievers on Whidbey Island. Washington and in Pucón, Chile. I enjoy yoga and meditation, spiritual studies, singing and dancing, hiking, kayaking, and adventurous travel in beautiful natural environments. My wife and I try to keep fit with exercise, beach walks with the dogs, and healthy eating. I like science fiction books and good movies for additional recreation.

Treatment Methods


Homeopathy offers wonderful opportunities for healing mind, body, and spirit. What makes it particularly exciting as a path to healing is the fact that treatment is individualized for each person. I acknowledge your uniqueness, and through careful and thoughtful interviewing, draw out from you the essence of your symptoms and match them to the one substance in nature that will help you to restore balance.

In conventional medicine, the doctors’ approach is to define an illness and it’s symptoms, and treat anyone with those symptoms with the same drug, and when there are several illnesses, to use more drugs. When I use homeopathy to help you, it is to honor how your genetics, life experiences, feelings, and thoughts have brought you to a unique expression of the life force in nature. By exploring this uniqueness together, we can come to the single homeopathic medicine that has the potential not only to treat your symptoms, but to completely transform your life and health.

Join me in this process of restoring and revitalizing your life and health. Appointments are 1 1/2 hours for the first visit, and 30 minutes or 1 hour for return visits, and may be in person or by telephone or Skype video. For more information, visit About Homeopathy on this website.